
Sedona Somatic Method

A collaboration with the wisdom held within your body to create deep and lasting positive change.

Understanding the problem: Why is my body doing this?

A primary goal of your body is to keep itself/you safe. Within your being is a history of experiences, both your own and those of who came before you, which influence your perceptions of the world, the sensations you feel, and the choices you make. Your nervous system adapts based on these experiences in an attempt to attune itself to best meet your current environment. However, on occasion, your body may hold onto a pattern that is no longer optimal. Sometimes your nervous system gets stuck perceiving danger where there is none, or conversely missing important cues when a threat truly is present. These misperceptions can make you more prone to repeated injury, they can cause sensations of pain when there is no tissue damage, they can release biochemical cascades directing physiology to act in suboptimal ways, and they can cue reactive emotions that don’t appropriately meet current circumstances. While your body may have the best of intentions, these misperceptions can prevent you from living a full, comfortable, and connected life. 

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Understanding the solution: How can you help me?

Knowing that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to complex bodily challenges, the approach at Sedona Somatics is always individualized. We begin with a conversation to understand where you are now and where you want to go. Whether you come with a particular event or bodily challenge that you would like to work through, or a more general sense of unease, Diana will listen deeply to both what you have to say and to the quiet messages expressed through your body. Your body is constantly communicating in innumerable ways, holding key answers. Together we can interpret these messages to help you move forward. This can be done through talk-based sessions, hands-on sessions, movement-based sessions, and also works well via virtual sessions. A primary goal of our work is to teach you to understand and work with your body’s cues. At Sedona Somatics, you will be empowered on your healing journey, moving beyond reliance on a practitioner, to create positive, lasting change. 

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I wear for a session?

Loose or stretchy comfortable clothes work best.

How do virtual sessions work?

After scheduling a virtual session, you will be sent a link for a private telehealth meeting. A computer or phone with a microphone and camera allows us to have face-to-face sessions. Technical support is available if needed. 

What if a past event is too hard to talk about?

You will never be asked to say or do anything that you do not want to. A beautiful aspect of this work is there are many ways to work with and through painful, past experiences so a verbal recount is always optional. 

How do I know if this method is right for me?

Diana is happy to offer a free 15-minute consultation to discuss your unique situation and discover if our offerings are right for you.

How do I schedule?

Call, Email, or Text Diana to schedule a session.