About Diana Munger, PT, DPT, SEP

My Story

From an early age, I have been fascinated with the human body, how it moves, responds, interacts, and evolves. Following this curiosity has led me here, offering my knowledge, training, and experience to facilitate your healing. 

As a lover of dance, studying movement was a natural fit. A Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from CU Boulder carried on to a Doctoral degree in Physical Therapy from Northern Arizona University. My personal study of yoga blossomed during graduate school as a means of maintaining balance in my own being, which led to certifications to share these beneficial teachings. As I began to see how my patients’ bodily challenges were often far more complex than mechanical issues alone, I trained to become a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP™) to more fully address the whole of someone’s experience.

My practice is specifically designed for those who are faced with complex challenges; namely, conditions that don’t resolve as expected or continue to come back again and again. Our bodies can become stuck, for numerous reasons, in uncomfortable and unhealthy patterns. I have witnessed this through 20 years of working with clients and have gained a deep respect for the intricacies of our human experience, especially in times of suffering. Instead of taking a fractionalized view, I consider and work with your entire being. Body, mind, emotions, events, patterns, beliefs . . . I will be present with and fully accepting of all of you. 

Since 2004, I have focused on Women’s Health and Pelvic Health, as well as Persistent Pain and Physiological Dysfunction. With these specialties, I have honed the ability to patiently listen, not only with my ears, but also with my hands. Bodies speak through subtle changes in muscle tone, fluid dynamics, and motility, through posture and movement, and through the spontaneous flow of thoughts, images, and emotions. Listening to my clients’ stories, as spoken aloud and through the unspoken voice of the body, is one of my great passions. Even more, I love to teach people how to listen to these subtle cues for themselves.

Through both professional and personal experiences, I recognize that healing occurs via connection, in the presence of an empathetic ally who can keep us safe and resourced through our healing transformation. Rather than jumping in to “fix”, I partner with your body acting as a facilitator to empower shifts on a deep and lasting level. I believe in your body’s innate ability to heal. If you are not yet able to hold this same belief, I will carry it for you until you are. 

Outside of the office, I love to spend time in nature with my husband, children, and dogs. I am also frequently found curled up with a good book, either for learning or for the sweet pleasure of a story well told. 

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“I believe in your body’s innate ability to heal. If you are not yet able to hold this same belief, I will carry it for you until you are.”


Some words from those I have had had the pleasure of working with and learning from . . . 

“Diana’s compassionate, gentle, and skilled care got me through some tough years of chronic pain. The healing environment that Diana creates is respectful and safe, which is exactly what my physical body needed in order to trust that healing was possible. As a physician, I appreciate Diana’s wide range of technique, knowledge, experience, and professionalism; this allowed us to work together to explore which treatment modalities worked best for me. To guide her approach, Diana listens — with her intellect, with her heart, and with her hands. The result is, I have to say, sometimes delightfully magical — so subtle, yet so powerful and effective. I would leave sessions feeling more connected with myself, more trusting of my own wisdom…and physically better.” 

~ m.a.

“Diana is a well trained and highly skilled manual therapist but it is her large grounded presence that sets her apart from other therapists in the region. She has mastered the art of listening which will benefit anyone on their healing journey.”


“Until now, I have done only one testimonial in my life. This will be my second. I only do them when I have experienced something that I consider transformational. Such is the case with Diana. As a result of a botched surgery, I ended up with dramatically diminished peristalsis and bowel motility. To say my bowel sounds were “quiet” – would be an understatement. Over time, through Diana’s inherent and acquired skills, those have all been restored to normalcy. I was very fortunate to have found Diana. She has a kind, compassionate attitude towards her patients and is dedicated to improving their health outlook. I (and my family) will be forever thankful for her amazing capabilities. Oh, did I mention she is also a really nice person?”

~ wayne

“I don’t often write reviews but I felt I had to make an exception for the physiotherapy experience I have been fortunate to have received with Diana Munger of Sedona Somatics. Some months ago, I was diagnosed with a rare but serious and painful pelvic nerve condition that there were few options offered toward recovery. Very few doctors have specialized training with this affliction and even fewer physiotherapists have specific knowledge, training or experience in helping those trying to get help back toward a normal life following this diagnosis. After trying various physiotherapists who professed to understand treatment in this area, I was fortunate to find Diana and she has proven to me to be the rare exception who could actually deliver positive results. Needless to say, I am very grateful for this. Hence, I am happy to recommend Diana as a caring professional in the field of pelvic injury rehabilitation. Residents of the Verde Valley can feel confident in her services and thankful she chose to relocate to Sedona a few years ago.”

~ gary w.

Training & Teachers

See below for more details about my training. I express deep gratitude for all of my teachers. 

Somatic Experiencing

Somatic Experiencing Professional Training and continuing education with Peter Levine, Joshua Sylvae, Kathy Kain, Mahshid Hager, Diane Poole Heller, Burns Galloway, and Abi Blakesly.

Pelvic Health Physical Therapy

Post-professional Physical Therapy training through Hollis Herman, Kathe Wallace, Loretta Robertson, and the APTA Section on Pelvic Health.

Yoga & Yoga Therapy

Training, Advanced Studies, and continuing education through Integrative Yoga Therapy (200+ hr RYT), Desert Song Healing Arts (500+ hr RYT),  Jane Austin (Prenatal), Ginger Garner, Matthew Taylor, and Meg Byerlein.

Craniosacral Therapy & Biodynamic CST

Continuing education through Upledger, Suzanne Scurlock, and Maitri Senior UK Tutors – Satya Shepherd, Tracy Evans, Sheila Kean, and Tanya Desfontaines.


Additional Training

Barral Institute (Visceral & Neural Manipulation), John Barnes (Myofascial Release), Wellcoaches (Wellness Coaching), David Butler and Lorimer Mosely (Pain Science), Kinetacore and Integrative Dry Needling Institute.


Please reach out with any questions or thoughts. I would love to connect and learn more about you.